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IBM Watson

IBM Watson: JumpStart with Watson AlchemyAPI

December 28, 2016
If you want to understand the content and context and extract the required information from that, then Watson AlchemyAPI is here for you. AlchemyAPI offers you a set of services that enable you to build apps that understand the content and context of the text. You can perform tasks such as extracting the request information of anything mentioned in any

Agentic AI: The Future of Machines Acting with Purpose

November 23, 2024
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come a long way from being a fancy algorithm for chess games to becoming our digital assistant, creative collaborator, and even a philosopher’s muse. One of the more intriguing advancements in AI is Agentic AI—an AI system that can act autonomously, pursue goals, and make decisions,

Develop WATSON App in JAVA | IBM Bluemix

March 16, 2017
Now as you should already have some hands-on with Watson services and JAVA along with MAVAN then let’s do develop Watson App in JAVA. Now simply create a MAVAN project in JAVA and add Watson Developer Cloud dependency to pom.xml file; Now we can see, as soon we’ll add the


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